I’ve been trying to make it easy for visitors to pick their way through the buying options here — but I’m still stumbling about a bit! If you have doubts, please write to me first.
My DIGITAL PRINTS are a lot cheaper than my Limited Edition Prints or paintings. Also, when you order a digital print, you’ll be able to choose
different qualities of paper/canvas, as well as different sizes and different frames and matts. One way to know for sure that an image at Sweet Lotus
Art is a Digital Print is if you see that its price is registered as
“0”. If instead you see “NFS” that means that particular image/painting
is Not For Sale.
different qualities of paper/canvas, as well as different sizes and different frames and matts. One way to know for sure that an image at Sweet Lotus
Art is a Digital Print is if you see that its price is registered as
“0”. If instead you see “NFS” that means that particular image/painting
is Not For Sale.
All my Digital Prints are available through a site called ImageKind. The only
way to access my prints at that site is by clicking links here, at Sweet Lotus Art.
way to access my prints at that site is by clicking links here, at Sweet Lotus Art.
In order to get to that site, you need to choose the Digital Print you’re interested in, click on it and then, in the column on the left, you’ll see the name of the Digital Print you want to buy, plus a price-range.
So let’s say you’re interested in DUDE. You’ll start by clicking on the picture DUDE whereupon you’ll be taken to DUDE’s page at Sweet Lotus Art. Then look along the left-hand side of the screen and you’ll see DUDE’s name once more, lit up in blue, as a link-text. Clicking that link should take you to DUDE’s page at ImageKind.
Once you’re at that site,
there are a lot of variables. For instance, the default price includes
the frame and it will surely look a lot higher than the starting price I’ve
quoted here. But if you glance down just a bit, you’ll a range of framing options, amongst which is “unframed”. When you click that, you’ll be shown the rock-bottom price (before shipping) for the print, starting with the smallest size option.
there are a lot of variables. For instance, the default price includes
the frame and it will surely look a lot higher than the starting price I’ve
quoted here. But if you glance down just a bit, you’ll a range of framing options, amongst which is “unframed”. When you click that, you’ll be shown the rock-bottom price (before shipping) for the print, starting with the smallest size option.